Privacy policy

This policy applies to all visitors to our website and customers who have ordered goods from us.

Afrisil (Pty) Ltd are committed to protecting your privacy and to ensure that your personal information is collected and used properly, solely for the purpose for which it has been collected, lawfully, and transparently.

The information we collect

Personal information that we collect and process will give you access to our products and services. This will allow Afrisil (Pty) Ltd to improve our offerings to you. The type of information that we collect will depend on the purpose for which it is collected and used. Therefore only the necessary information will be collected.

The information will be collected directly from you as the customer where you provide us with your company and personal details. You will be informed which information is required and which is optional.

Disclosure of information

All information provided when registering with the Afrisil (Pty) Ltd eCommerce store is maintained by Afrisil (Pty) Ltd.  By registering with Afrisil (Pty) Ltd, you agree to the use and storage of all the provided information for use by Afrisil (Pty) Ltd only. The personal information provided will not be distributed or disclosed to any third-party. You may be added to our newsletter list when registering your account with us. You can unsubscribe from this newsletter during the registration process or at any time thereafter.

Information security

Afrisil (Pty) Ltd are legally obliged to provide adequate protection for the personal information we hold and to prevent unauthorised access and use of personal information.  We will, on an ongoing basis, continue to review our security controls and related processes to ensure that your personal information is secure.

How to contact us

Should you have questions about this policy, or believe we have not adhered to it, or need further information about our privacy practices, or wish to give or withdraw consent, exercise preferences, or access or correct your personal information, please contact us at the following number: +27 11 465 2892